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2 generations have passed since the Morphed 4 split up. They created their own territorial district. The world has devolved around those 4 Districts. “Where is that wretched woman?!'' they…
Once upon a time… In a world where no one can imagine. Where most of the ground is just like a trampoline. Mountains made of condensed clouds. Animals of odd…
At that moment. Kane heard a familiar man’s deep voice’s laughter. The person finally stopped laughing and said “When have you been so deceitful?”. Kane, still immobile from the pain,…
Every once in life, a redeemed soul seems to find its way back to the realm of living and reincarnates. On this earth. There are things the mind can explain…
Eones y eones de distancia ... Hay una galaxia similar a nuestra Vía Láctea, pero es cinco veces más trascendental. Diez veces menos tóxico. Lleno de recursos naturales. Lleno de…
Eons and eons away... There is a galaxy similar to our Milky Way galaxy, but it is five times as momentous. Ten times less toxic. Filled with natural resources. Filled…
La vida y el mundo, como todos los conocemos, tienen muchos colores, caras y facetas. El amor, la paz, la ira, la tristeza, la codicia, la guerra, son algunos ejemplos de…