El Guasón vs. Aquiles

Una #historia corta refrescante donde mis 2 grandes favoritos del #cine se enfrentan cara a cara en una situación sin precedentes. Perfecta para un descanso de 5 minutos. ¿Quién vencerá?…


The Joker vs. Achilles

A refreshing short story where my 2 great movie favorites go face to face in an unprecedented situation. Perfect for a 5-minute break. Who is going to win? Find out…

Read more about the article A Tribute To A Great Friendship
American record producer, DJ, actor and comedian Jazzy Jeff (Jeffrey Townes) and collaborator the Fresh Prince (Will Smith) photographed together in Cleveland, Ohio in October 1989.

A Tribute To A Great Friendship

You have read or heard me talk about friendship on many occasions. I know that I always publicly thank all those people close to me who support me in every…