The winning duo: action and information
We live in such a lucky time in which - for some - ignorance has become a decision of their own. Think about it for a moment: to obtain specific…
We live in such a lucky time in which - for some - ignorance has become a decision of their own. Think about it for a moment: to obtain specific…
Vivimos en una era muy afortunada en la que, para algunos, la ignorancia se transformó una decisión propia. Piénsalo por un momento: para conseguir un conocimiento específico, nuestros padres, abuelos…
Una #historia corta refrescante donde mis 2 grandes favoritos del #cine se enfrentan cara a cara en una situación sin precedentes. Perfecta para un descanso de 5 minutos. ¿Quién vencerá?…
A refreshing short story where my 2 great movie favorites go face to face in an unprecedented situation. Perfect for a 5-minute break. Who is going to win? Find out…
You have read or heard me talk about friendship on many occasions. I know that I always publicly thank all those people close to me who support me in every…
En múltiples oportunidades me han leído o escuchado hablar sobre la amistad. Sé que siempre agradezco públicamente por todas esas personas cercanas a mí que me apoyan en cada aventura…
How wonderful would it be to go through life with the certainty of guaranteed success, wouldn't it? We usually think that someone is doing well or making the right choices…