El Guasón vs. Aquiles

Una #historia corta refrescante donde mis 2 grandes favoritos del #cine se enfrentan cara a cara en una situación sin precedentes. Perfecta para un descanso de 5 minutos. ¿Quién vencerá?…


The Joker vs. Achilles

A refreshing short story where my 2 great movie favorites go face to face in an unprecedented situation. Perfect for a 5-minute break. Who is going to win? Find out…

Read more about the article A Tribute To A Great Friendship
American record producer, DJ, actor and comedian Jazzy Jeff (Jeffrey Townes) and collaborator the Fresh Prince (Will Smith) photographed together in Cleveland, Ohio in October 1989.

A Tribute To A Great Friendship

You have read or heard me talk about friendship on many occasions. I know that I always publicly thank all those people close to me who support me in every…

Read more about the article Un tributo a una gran amistad
American record producer, DJ, actor and comedian Jazzy Jeff (Jeffrey Townes) and collaborator the Fresh Prince (Will Smith) photographed together in Cleveland, Ohio in October 1989.

Un tributo a una gran amistad

En múltiples oportunidades me han leído o escuchado hablar sobre la amistad. Sé que siempre agradezco públicamente por todas esas personas cercanas a mí que me apoyan en cada aventura…