Read more about the article Batey Ascending — A Must-Read
park where batey was played in puerto rico

Batey Ascending — A Must-Read

Hi fellow book lovers, I am sure many of you have made resolutions to read more books this year. As a writer, I pledge to fulfill my part of the…

Read more about the article Information is the Antidote for Civilization
books on a shelf

Information is the Antidote for Civilization

The world is currently embedded within a historical era. Titled, ‘The Information Age’. Civilizations’ access to information has snowballed as our technology has developed. In this era, the idea that…


The past is not stationed in the past

Human beings like to complicate a lot of the history that happened. Prime example. The super famous explorer, world renown, Christopher Columbus. What exactly is this man in history known…


Rewriting of ‘Our Taino Bloodlines’

United Confederation of Taino People: UCTP Some critics of the Taino movement deny our biological heritage. Others refuse to believe today's Caribbean Ancestry. After the now-famous DNA tests concluded, some…