The Batey Series #6 – Status of the Earth.
What was the main reason that aliens came to Earth? Well, this was because the Earth was devastated. As this is a post-Apocalyptic book; that means something must have happened…
What was the main reason that aliens came to Earth? Well, this was because the Earth was devastated. As this is a post-Apocalyptic book; that means something must have happened…
This blog post will discuss who the Absolutes are. And what makes them unique and what they contribute to the story. If anyone has specific questions about any previous or…
Esta publicación de blog discutirá quiénes son los Absolutos. Y qué los hace únicos y qué aportan a la historia. Si alguien tiene preguntas específicas sobre cualquier parte anterior o…
¿Qué sería de una historia sin un reparto de apoyo? En estas Batey Series, quiero centrarme en algunos de ellos. Mientras que otros se dan cuenta de dónde viene la…
What would a story be without a supporting cast? In the Batey series, I want to focus on some of them. While others realize where the inspiration comes from and…
This is the fifth installment of the blog series. Check the first one here. Intelligence When you think of role-playing video games being as real-life simulators. Intelligence might not be…
Esta es la quinta siguiente entrega de la serie de blogs. Consulta la primera aquí. Inteligencia Cuando se piensa que los videojuegos de rol son simuladores de la vida real.…