Nico Pengin Ya Está En YouTube Decidí finalmente publicar mi video. Presentamos el canal de YouTube. Disfrútenlo. Decidí finalmente publicar mi video. Presentamos el canal de YouTube. Disfrútenlo. time has come, the anticipation is palpable and above all else - pencils are being oppressed! Viewers are offered a sneak preview of what Nico Pengin has to come… Decidí finalmente publicar mi video. Presentamos el canal de YouTube. Disfrútenlo.
El mundo actualmente está inmerso en una era histórica nombrada, 'La era de la información'. El acceso de las civilizaciones a la información se ha disparado a medida que nuestra tecnología… I decided to finally publish my video. Introducing the Youtube Channel. Enjoy. [00:00:00] Hello World. [00:00:01] Nico Pengin here introducing you to the new channel on YouTube. [00:00:04] Nico…
The world is currently embedded within a historical era. Titled, ‘The Information Age’. Civilizations’ access to information has snowballed as our technology has developed. In this era, the idea that…