Nico Pengin Ya Está En YouTube Decidí finalmente publicar mi video. Presentamos el canal de YouTube. Disfrútenlo. Decidí finalmente publicar mi video. Presentamos el canal de YouTube. Disfrútenlo. gives an in-depth walk through what makes him tick. Smashwords poke and prod at the depths of Nico's literary mind in this comprehensive Q&A, covering subjects from favorite books,… audiobook version has just been released.!!! life has a second chance to live after Earth's destruction. Only a few made it to the spaceship. Nico, a young man with… time has come, the anticipation is palpable and above all else - pencils are being oppressed! Viewers are offered a sneak preview of what Nico Pengin has to come… Decidí finalmente publicar mi video. Presentamos el canal de YouTube. Disfrútenlo. Un video de 20 minutos respondiendo las preguntas de la entrevista de SmashWords en un casco de realidad virtual. Haz clic en el enlace de la entrevista. 20 Minute Video of me answering SmashWords Interview questions. In a virtual reality headset. Check out the link from the interview.