to the best mom in the world
I have been blessed to have a rewarding and happy life, full of wonderful people who have been an inspiration to me over the years. There have been so many…
I have been blessed to have a rewarding and happy life, full of wonderful people who have been an inspiration to me over the years. There have been so many…
Tengo la fortuna de tener una vida plena y feliz, llena de personas maravillosas que me han servido de inspiración a lo largo de los años. Han sido tantas buenas… is an amazing website with an admirable mission: to collect and share information about self-published authors from all over the world and their most recent works. This way, they… es un sitio web con una labor admirable: recopilar y difundir información sobre autores autopublicados de todo el mundo y sus piezas más recientes. De esta manera, les dan…
Cassette tapes were a boom in the 80's and 90's. That's how most people listened to music. How many of us had to unjam or properly rewind the tape with…
Las cintas de casete estuvieron en auge entre los 80 y los 90. Así es como la mayoría de las personas escuchaba música. ¿Cuántos de nosotros tuvimos que desatascar o…
Who says it's not possible to learn in a fun way? Or better yet, who says it's not possible to learn from video games? I'm sure the default answer to…